Create your flashcards
You’re tired of painstakingly writing your flashcards by hand? With qeflashcards you can create and use your flashcards in just a few minutes. Thanks to our tool your flashcards are always available, anytime and anywhere. Upload images or format your text to achieve optimal learning results.
Learn your flashcards
Learn efficiently and flexibly with our box system. Decide for yourself whether you want to study individual flashcards or boxes. Each flashcard is assigned to a box, starting with Box F. When you answer a flashcard correctly, it will be moved to the next higher box, until it eventually reaches the highest box, Box A. If you answer incorrectly, it will be downgraded to a lower box. This way, flashcards that you haven’t mastered yet will be repeated more frequently, accelerating your learning progress.
Find more flashcards
With qeflashcards, you can discover a variety of flashcard sets created by students from all over the world. Follow the sets that you like the most and learn with them as if they were your own. Your followed sets will be automatically updated when the creator adds or removes flashcards.